Making the use of health data to further research and healthcare

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Une suite d'application inspirée par une équipe de recherche en Data-Science au sein d'un IHU

L’histoire de codoc débute sur le campus de l’Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, au coeur de l’Institut Imagine, premier centre mondial de recherche sur les maladies génétiques.

Après plus de 10 ans de recherche et développement menés par Nicolas Garcelon au sein de la plateforme de Data Science de l’Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire (IHU), l’outil “Dr. Warehouse” voit le jour et remporte un franc succès auprès des équipes.

C’est la création de “Dr. Warehouse” qui a donné naissance en 2017 à la suite d’applications aujourd’hui développée et proposée par codoc et qui permet notamment d’effectuer des recherches rapides dans les données non structurées d’un établissement.


An App suite inspired by a Data-Science research team at an IHU

The codoc story began at the Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, located at the core of the Institut Imagine, recognised as the leading centre for genetic disease research. 

With over a decade of research and development led by NicolasGarcelon at the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire (IHU) 's Data Science platform, the "Dr. Warehouse" tool emerged, earning acclaim among the teams.

The inception of Dr. Warehouse in 2017 laid the groundwork for whatwould become the codoc suite of Apps, enabling rapid searches within an establishment'sunstructured data.

Democratising the reuse of health datato speed up research and improve care

Empowering the reuse of health data toaccelerate research and enhance care. 

Building on its success with research and healthcare professionals from the Necker Hospital campus, Nicolas Garcelon, Arthur Delapalme, and the Imagine Establishment have joined forces to allow as many healthcare professionals as possible to benefit from this technology.

codoc has evolved into a health tech company specialised in mobilising and reusing health data generated during patient care, offering a suite of Apps and a health data warehouse. 

The effectiveness of the codoc suite has been demonstrated, with its solutions referenced in numerous scientific publications and deployed in over a dozen French hospitals.

Today, codoc's objective is to make the reuse of healthcare data universal, drive research forward, and enhance patient care domestically and globally.


Co-developing with local players at the heart of codoc's DNA

Co-developed with clinicians and researchers, the codoc suite is distinguished by the user-friendliness of its interfaces. 

All codoc solutions empower users, regardless of their primary areaof expertise, to conduct studies on data to bolster their research and careprojects. 

The codoc suite is engineered to simplify the reutilization ofhealth data and promote translational research for healthcare professionals. 

Each App is crafted to expedite research, enhance patient care, and alleviate the administrative burden associated with health data usage.

In every collaboration, codoc ensures alignment with the field's needs and is dedicated to crafting innovative, pragmatic, and sustainable solutions to the challenges faced by healthcare professionals in their daily practice.

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All our solutions are designed to comply with the CNIL's standards, guaranteeing compliance with the formalities required by the administrative authority throughout the value chain.

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