All health data is grouped in a health data warehouse that complies with CNIL standards
Restructure health data using language processing algorithms
Delete duplicates
OMOP format
Data pseudonymisation
Data enhancement: managing negations and family history
Receive daily data updates from the health data warehouse
On-premises data hosting or in an HDS-certified cloud
An App for exploiting data from a health data warehouse or database
Access a 360° view of patient records
Exploring data using a multimodal search engine
Work on a pseudonymised dataset in a secure workspace that complies with CNIL recommendations
Create a patient cohort in just a few clicks
Speed up data access requests
Request access to a specific dataset
Create a restructuring questionnaire similar to an eCRF in just a few clicks
Secure identification via FranceConnect
Personalised information from their interface
Refuse in just a few clicks
Administration interface
Simplify patient objections and their collection
Make patient status management easier: information, refusal, etc.
Patient refusal alert
Automated objection management in accordance with the French Data Protection Authority(CNIL)
Book a 30-minute or 1-hour appointment with our team to discover and try all the features from the codoc Research Hub App
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All our solutions are designed to comply with the CNIL's standards, guaranteeing compliance with the formalities required by the administrative authority throughout the value chain.