Use healthcare data faster, easier and smarter

We have developed the codoc suite and health data warehouse to support healthcare professionals in collecting, processing, and sharing medical data, a strategic lever for advancing research and improving care.

  • institut illu

    Research institute

    Access healthcare data to speed up research projects in your establishment

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  • sante

    Healthcare organizations

    Reuse health data to advance research and improve care in your establishment

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  • partnersindus

    Life Science companies

    Accelerate your research projects using real-life data with our partner establishments.

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Solutions tailored to healthcare professionals

With a health data warehouse solution, a business App and a transparency platform that work together or separately: the codoc suite adapts to your organisation's needs. Equip yourself with the complete suite or choose the solution that best meets your needs.

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Consolidate your healthcare data in a data warehouse

Centralise and standardise all your data in an interoperable Health Data Warehouse (HDW) that complies with CNIL standards.

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Make it easier and quicker to use your healthcare data

An App connected to your health data warehouse or database that provides all the necessary tools you need to reuse your organization's data faster and easier.

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Simplify patient information and objection management

A transparency platform to make patient information easier and personalised but also automate the management of objections.

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“ We knew we had a lot of data, but we didn't know when or where was the right moment for healthcare professionals to use it. With codoc, we understand how to conduct clinical and paramedical research within our establishment using the healthdata we produce. “


Stéphane Pierrefitte

Deputy Director General of GHU Paris Psychiatrie


Stéphane Pierrefitte

DGA du GHU Paris Psychiatrie

“ Nous étions sûrs que nous avions de nombreuses données, mais nous ne savions pas comment les utiliser au bon moment et au bon endroit pour les professionnels de santé.

Avec codoc, nous avons pu réfléchir à comment nous pouvions faire pour développer la recherche clinique et paramédicale au sein de notre établissement grâce aux données de santé que nous produisons. “

codoc expertise for all your projects

For each project, codoc provides its partners with a dedicated multidisciplinary team, including a data project manager, a technical consultant, and a regulatory consultant. 

From data quality control already integrated into the warehouses to meeting compliance standards with the CNIL, the codoc team's expertise and network is available to each partner for the smooth running of each and every project.

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codoc in numbers


Structured data already integrated


Medical software already connected


Text documents already integrated

icon doc


Patients included in cohorts by our users


Active users


Medical publications citing a codoc solution


Requests made every month on our Apps


Ten years of data science research carried out within an IHU

The 'Dr. Warehouse' tool is the culmination of over a decade of research and development conducted at the Data Science platform of the Institut Imagine, equipped with a search engine to sift through millions of medical records. 

Building on its success with researcher sand clinicians, 'Dr. Warehouse' led to the creation of codoc, which commercialisedt he solution in 2017." 

Today, codoc offers a suite of Apps and a health data warehouse, simplifying the reuse of health data to advance research and improve patient care.

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They're using a codoc solution
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All our solutions are designed to comply with the CNIL's standards, guaranteeing compliance with the formalities required by the administrative authority throughout the value chain.

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